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“Don’t you dare steal my properties, Wayne Hsiung!
Door opened
Dark and breezy
Door stealthily shut
In came two new faces
lifted the babies
along with me
from our feces
“Wayne, this one’s very sick.
Needs immediate care.”
I kicked, I turned, I bit,
I jumped off his warm arms,
I hid, I shivered
They looked and looked, in vain.
“Must go now. Let’s come back tomorrow.
Must bring the dying one to the medics!"
said the man called Wayne.
Door opened
Dark and breezy
Door stealthily shut
Loud yelling from afar
Men fighting - thump thump whack whack
“Don’t you dare steal my properties, Wayne Hsiung!
I’ll sue your balls off! You bastard!” HE bellowed.
HE must be dead furious.
Siren sounding - whoop whoop whoop whoop
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